lundi 11 janvier 2010

Wedding Facial at home

Wedding Facial at home

If you are preparing for a special function, here is the hack. Suppose you want to attend a wedding function of your best friend. But you don't have time to visit a beauty parlor to prepare for the function! Don't worry, here is the short cut to do a wedding facial at home. Using this tip you can become gorgeous in the function.

How to do a wedding facial at home
You can do this wedding facial either one day before the function, at the evening time or on the wedding day. First thing you can do is an instant cleansing. For this take a ripe tomato and cut a small piece. Top or bottom piece is better. Clean the face with water and move the tomato slice over the face. Do it in circular motion in clockwise direction. Continue for about 5-7 min. Then wash the face.

Next thing to do is applying a suitable pack. You can select any pack from my earlier posts. Here I am suggesting an easy one for this occasion. Add 3tsp. chick pea powder, add 2tsp. milk powder and orange juice to make a paste. Now you apply this pack all over the face and neck. Leave this face pack for 10-15 min. and then wash it off with cold water.

Here is an additional tip for you to become gorgeous on the wedding day: If the function is on the next day morning drink two glasses of orange juice or carrot juice(or a mix of both) before going to bed. If the function is on the next day evening drink the juice on the function day morning. This will add a charming to your skin. As I used to tell every time try to avoid acidic food on these days. Also fried fish and meat. These are all small things we may not count. That is why people asking you on the functions 'why you are looking dull' etc. So take care of that.

In the morning on the wedding day do the tomato cleansing once more. It will take out any dark coloration on the skin. It will lighten the pigmentation. After 10 min. wash the face with cold water. Now you can apply make up. If you have sunscreen lotion you can apply it. Try to avoid direct sun exposure.

This weeding facial at home is meant for an instant clean up and always better to go for normal facial and other thing by visiting your beautician.
Wedding Facial at home posted by: Geetha

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