lundi 28 mars 2011

Protein Treatment for Hair

Protein Treatment for Hair at home

Protein is very much required for the growth of hair. Whatever things you do, sometimes your hair looks unhealthy. No hair treatments seems to work for you. Hair is not growing. At the time of an unhealthy condition you can't try other store bought products. It may create adverse effect. Here you have to make your hair healthy again. You can provide the protein through a homemade protein treatment for hair. Do the following protein treatment for hair.

Protein Treatment for Hair
Amla powder - 2tsp.
Hibiscuss powder - 2tsp.
Egg -1

You can take more quantity ingredients if you have long hair. Make everything into a loose paste. After washing hair apply this paste all over hair. Wait for 20-25 min. Then rinse it off. If you feel to shampoo, use some mild shampoo. Do this protein treatment for hair at least once a week.

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