In some cases, around the age of forty, the facial skin starts to become saggy. If care is taken at this beginning stage we can avoid the sagging tendency. The very first thing to take care of is never ever massage your face downward. And remember to give few upward massage regularly. Here is a recipe for a face pack to avoid saggy skin.
Wheat flour 3tsp
Rice flour 3 tsp
Maida flour 2tsp
Cabbage leaves 5
Egg 1
Put all the ingredients except egg in mixer/grinder and make a paste of it. Take it in a bowl and add one egg and mix well to get a medium paste. Do not ask me whether it can be kept in fridge, because the answer will be a big nay.
Wash face with normal water. Use fresh milk to cleanse the face and neck. Dip a cotton ball into the milk and give a circular upward motion on the face. Do it very lightly. Then take two tsp of sugar powder and add a little water. Apply this all over the face. Then wash it off. Then apply the face pack from neck to fore head. Give upward stroke using fingers. Take care to apply evenly all over the face and neck. Apply pack in medium thickness. Then keep it for 20 min. Then sprinkle water on the pack and make it thoroughly wet. After this wipe the pack using cold water. Do not give pressure on the skin during wiping it off.
You have to do it repeatedly as per your convenience. But not daily. This face can diminish skin's tendency to get sagged. The cabbage leaves reduce the wrinkles on the skin.
mardi 1 novembre 2011
Face Pack for Saggy Facial Skin
Posted by Warnock on 00:00
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